A lopez mateos
[law-pes mah-te-aws] /ˈlɔ pɛs mɑˈtɛ ɔs/
[ah-th awl-faw] /ɑˈðɔl fɔ/ (show ipa), 1910–69, mexican lawyer and politician: president of mexico 1958–64.
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[lawr-uh nz, lohr-; german loh-rents] /ˈlɔr ənz, ˈloʊr-; german ˈloʊ rɛnts/ noun adolf [ey-dolf;; german ah-dawlf] /ˈeɪ dɒlf;; german ˈɑ dɔlf/ (show ipa), 1854–1946, austrian orthopedic surgeon. konrad (zacharias) [kon-rad zak-uh-rahy-uh s;; german kawn-raht tsah-khah-ree-ahs] /ˈkɒn ræd ˌzæk əˈraɪ əs;; german ˈkɔn rɑt ˌtsɑ xɑˈri ɑs/ (show ipa), 1903–1989, austrian ethologist: n-bel prize in medicine […]
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[uh lot] /ə ˈlɒt/ noun lot (def 14). adverb lot (def 21). can be confused a lot, allot. usage note a lot very many, a large number; also, very much. for example, a lot of people think the economy is declining, or sad movies always made her cry a lot. it is sometimes put as […]
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[uh lot] /ə ˈlɒt/ noun lot (def 14). adverb lot (def 21). can be confused a lot, allot. usage note a lot very many, a large number; also, very much. for example, a lot of people think the economy is declining, or sad movies always made her cry a lot. it is sometimes put as […]
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[vey-guh-nuh r] /ˈveɪ gə nər/ noun alfred lothar [ahl-freyt loh-tahr,, loh-tahr] /ˈɑl freɪt ˈloʊ tɑr,, loʊˈtɑr/ (show ipa), 1880–1930, german meteorologist and geophysicist: originated theory of continental drift. wegener /german ˈveːɡənər/ noun alfred (ˈalfreːt). 1880–1930, german meteorologist: regarded as the originator of the theory of continental drift wegener (vā’gə-nər) german physicist, meteorologist, and explorer who […]