A pollajuolo

[poh-lahy-woh-loh; italian pawl-lahy-waw-law] /ˌpoʊ laɪˈwoʊ loʊ; italian ˌpɔl laɪˈwɔ lɔ/
[ahn-taw-nyaw] /ɑnˈtɔ nyɔ/ (show ipa), 1429–98, italian sculptor, painter, and goldsmith.
his brother, piero
[pye-raw] /ˈpyɛ rɔ/ (show ipa), 1443–96, painter, sculptor, and goldsmith.
also, pollaiolo
[poh-lahy-oh-loh; italian pawl-lahy-aw-law] /ˌpoʊ laɪˈoʊ loʊ; italian ˌpɔl laɪˈɔ lɔ/ (show ipa), pollajuolo
[poh-lahy-woh-loh; italian pawl-lahy-waw-law] /ˌpoʊ laɪˈwoʊ loʊ; italian ˌpɔl laɪˈwɔ lɔ/ (show ipa).
/italian pollajˈwɔːlo/
antonio (anˈtɔːnjo), ?1432–98, florentine painter, sculptor, goldsmith, and engraver: his paintings include the martyrdom of st sebastian
his brother piero (ˈpjɛːro). ?1443–96, florentine painter and sculptor

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