A r jacques turgot
[tyr-goh] /türˈgoʊ/
anne robert jacques
[an raw-ber zhahk] /ˈan rɔˈbɛr ˈʒɑk/ (show ipa), 1727–81, french statesman, financier, and economist.
/french tyrɡo/
anne robert jacques (ɑn rɔbɛr ʒak). 1727–81, french economist and statesman. as controller general of finances (1774–76), he attempted to abolish feudal privileges, incurring the hostility of the aristocracy and his final dismissal
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- A r le sage
[luh sazh] /lə ˈsaʒ/ noun alain rené [a-lan ruh-ney] /aˈlɛ̃ rəˈneɪ/ (show ipa), 1668–1747, french novelist and dramatist. also, lesage. le sage /french lə saʒ/ noun alain-rené (alɛ̃rəne). 1668–1747, french novelist and dramatist, author of the picaresque novel gil blas (1715–35)
- A r lesage
[luh sazh] /lə ˈsaʒ/ noun alain rené [a-lan ruh-ney] /aˈlɛ̃ rəˈneɪ/ (show ipa), 1668–1747, french novelist and dramatist. also, lesage. le sage /french lə saʒ/ noun alain-rené (alɛ̃rəne). 1668–1747, french novelist and dramatist, author of the picaresque novel gil blas (1715–35)
- A r myrdal
[meer-dahl, -dawl, mur-; swedish myr-dahl] /ˈmɪər dɑl, -dɔl, ˈmɜr-; swedish ˈmür dɑl/ noun alva (reimer) [al-vuh rey-mer;; swedish ahl-vah rey-muh r] /ˈæl və ˈreɪ mər;; swedish ˈɑl vɑ ˈreɪ mər/ (show ipa), 1902–86, swedish sociologist and diplomat: n-bel peace prize 1982 (wife of gunnar myrdal). (karl) gunnar [kahrl guhn-er,, goo n-;; swedish kahrl goo n-nahr] […]
- A r rodin
[roh-dan, -dan; french raw-dan] /roʊˈdæn, -ˈdɛ̃; french rɔˈdɛ̃/ noun (françois) auguste (rené) [frahn-swa oh-gyst ruh-ney] /frɑ̃ˈswa oʊˈgüst rəˈneɪ/ (show ipa), 1840–1917, french sculptor. rodin /french rɔdɛ̃/ noun auguste (oɡyst). 1840–1917, french sculptor, noted for his portrayal of the human form. his works include the kiss (1886), the burghers of calais (1896), and the thinker (1905)
- A r st johns
noun adela rogers, 1894–1988, u.s. journalist and writer. a river flowing n and e through ne florida into the atlantic. 276 miles (444 km) long. french st.-jean. a city in s quebec, in e canada.