A reimer myrdal
[meer-dahl, -dawl, mur-; swedish myr-dahl] /ˈmɪər dɑl, -dɔl, ˈmɜr-; swedish ˈmür dɑl/
alva (reimer)
[al-vuh rey-mer;; swedish ahl-vah rey-muh r] /ˈæl və ˈreɪ mər;; swedish ˈɑl vɑ ˈreɪ mər/ (show ipa), 1902–86, swedish sociologist and diplomat: n-bel peace prize 1982 (wife of gunnar myrdal).
(karl) gunnar [kahrl guhn-er,, goo n-;; swedish kahrl goo n-nahr] /kɑrl ˈgʌn ər,, ˈgʊn-;; swedish kɑrl ˈgʊn nɑr/ (show ipa), 1898–1987, swedish sociologist and economist: n-bel prize in economics 1974.
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[rahy-khuh; czech rey-khah] /ˈraɪ xə; czech ˈreɪ xɑ/ noun anton or antonín [czech ahn-taw-nyeen] /czech ˈɑn tɔ nyin/ (show ipa), 1770–1836, czech composer. also, rejcha.
- A rene le sage
[luh sazh] /lə ˈsaʒ/ noun alain rené [a-lan ruh-ney] /aˈlɛ̃ rəˈneɪ/ (show ipa), 1668–1747, french novelist and dramatist. also, lesage. le sage /french lə saʒ/ noun alain-rené (alɛ̃rəne). 1668–1747, french novelist and dramatist, author of the picaresque novel gil blas (1715–35)
- A rene lesage
[luh sazh] /lə ˈsaʒ/ noun alain rené [a-lan ruh-ney] /aˈlɛ̃ rəˈneɪ/ (show ipa), 1668–1747, french novelist and dramatist. also, lesage. le sage /french lə saʒ/ noun alain-rené (alɛ̃rəne). 1668–1747, french novelist and dramatist, author of the picaresque novel gil blas (1715–35)
- A rene rodin
[roh-dan, -dan; french raw-dan] /roʊˈdæn, -ˈdɛ̃; french rɔˈdɛ̃/ noun (françois) auguste (rené) [frahn-swa oh-gyst ruh-ney] /frɑ̃ˈswa oʊˈgüst rəˈneɪ/ (show ipa), 1840–1917, french sculptor. rodin /french rɔdɛ̃/ noun auguste (oɡyst). 1840–1917, french sculptor, noted for his portrayal of the human form. his works include the kiss (1886), the burghers of calais (1896), and the thinker (1905)
- A rene sage
[luh sazh] /lə ˈsaʒ/ noun alain rené [a-lan ruh-ney] /aˈlɛ̃ rəˈneɪ/ (show ipa), 1668–1747, french novelist and dramatist. also, lesage. le sage /french lə saʒ/ noun alain-rené (alɛ̃rəne). 1668–1747, french novelist and dramatist, author of the picaresque novel gil blas (1715–35)