A rene le sage
[luh sazh] /lə ˈsaʒ/
alain rené
[a-lan ruh-ney] /aˈlɛ̃ rəˈneɪ/ (show ipa), 1668–1747, french novelist and dramatist.
also, lesage.
le sage
/french lə saʒ/
alain-rené (alɛ̃rəne). 1668–1747, french novelist and dramatist, author of the picaresque novel gil blas (1715–35)
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[luh sazh] /lə ˈsaʒ/ noun alain rené [a-lan ruh-ney] /aˈlɛ̃ rəˈneɪ/ (show ipa), 1668–1747, french novelist and dramatist. also, lesage. le sage /french lə saʒ/ noun alain-rené (alɛ̃rəne). 1668–1747, french novelist and dramatist, author of the picaresque novel gil blas (1715–35)
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[luh sazh] /lə ˈsaʒ/ noun alain rené [a-lan ruh-ney] /aˈlɛ̃ rəˈneɪ/ (show ipa), 1668–1747, french novelist and dramatist. also, lesage. le sage /french lə saʒ/ noun alain-rené (alɛ̃rəne). 1668–1747, french novelist and dramatist, author of the picaresque novel gil blas (1715–35)
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