A rodchenko
[rod-cheng-koh; russian rawt-chyin-kuh] /rɒdˈtʃɛŋ koʊ; russian ˈrɔt tʃyɪn kə/
aleksandr (mikhailovich)
[al-ig-zan-der,, -zahn-,, mi-key-luh-vich;; russian uh-lyi-ksahn-dr myi-khahy-luh-vyich] /ˌæl ɪgˈzæn dər,, -ˈzɑn-,, mɪˈkeɪ lə vɪtʃ;; russian ʌ lyɪˈksɑn dr myɪˈxaɪ lə vyɪtʃ/ (show ipa), 1891–1956, soviet painter, photographer, and designer.
alexander (mikhailovich). 1891–1956, soviet painter, sculptor, designer, and photographer, noted for his abstract geometrical style: a member of the constructivist movement
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[roh-dan, -dan; french raw-dan] /roʊˈdæn, -ˈdɛ̃; french rɔˈdɛ̃/ noun (françois) auguste (rené) [frahn-swa oh-gyst ruh-ney] /frɑ̃ˈswa oʊˈgüst rəˈneɪ/ (show ipa), 1840–1917, french sculptor. rodin /french rɔdɛ̃/ noun auguste (oɡyst). 1840–1917, french sculptor, noted for his portrayal of the human form. his works include the kiss (1886), the burghers of calais (1896), and the thinker (1905)
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