a bold, confident, intelligent and cultured young lady who speaks four languages, dominates in model un, is a connoisseur of wine and has a great sense of style.
-have you seen aakruti? i want to congratulate her on her induction to phi sigma iota, and on her outstanding delegate award at upmunc.
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- Abaha Was
the somali word for f-ck your dad. many somali mothers use it as people use pr-ck. mum: wariyaah! where did you go? zakariya: cinema with my friend and his girlfriend. mum: with a girl ! (she gets her slipper and throws at him) mum: abaha was!
- Chubub
1.) a dead potato that is very good in bed. 2.) extremely fat with a small choad. the choad is usually turquoise. 3.) a fat kid in seventh period gym cl-ss with mr. trees. omg you chubub go f-ck another potato
- abashack
a very f-ggot -ss b-st-rd sonofamother who lets shame fall on his race. (person’s name here) is a f-ggot–ss b-st-rd sonofamother, or abashack
- hershey nut bar
a s-xual act when a white guy takes a piece of fecal matter and molds it around his nuts and lets a girl eat it. yo, shaniqua, that hershey nut bar from your grandpappy was ballin’.
- heterosexual i.d.
a theoretical form of identification issued to heteros-xuals (mostly males) which can be revoked if the person acts sufficiently “gay”. this doesnt really apply to people who know they’re gay, because they wouldnt want the id. “dude if you touch his b-lls one more time i’m gonna have to revoke your heteros-xual i.d. card.