a generally cr-p hamlet in lancashire. only famous because part of it blew up. many old people live there.
abbeystead gets more like london everyday!
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rule number 1 never tell anyone about abh 2 more definitions add your own acronim for; actual bodily harm, a step down from gbh or -ssualt. usually if an attack leaves victim with cuts, bruises, or maybe a broken bone such as a nose or finger. i hit someone once, and broke his nose. i […]
- ABlackGuy
bad-ss retired black ops wii n-gg-r from san diego who is on ps3 now; one who chooses his special user group “beast” on cause he is too cool for the staff; someone who sees f@llen’s ignorance ablackguy p-ssed on a mw3 disc because he knows that it is a mw2 disk map pack.
- Abomasnow
a horrible, terrible blizzard. a yeti. 1. he is late for work because he got caught in an abomasnow. 2. you can find abomasnows in the himalayas.
- Above and Beyond
above and beyond are a trance act composed of jonathan grant (jono,)paavo siljamaki and tony mcguiness and make some of the sweetest sounding trance tracks today, they also go under the alias’ of tranquility base and oceanlab. immerse yourself in a blanket of euphoric trance combined with laser kissed melodies and beautiful vocals. they are […]
the metalcore band august burns red dude did you see that zhem101 guy on call of duty with xabr in his clan tag? yeah he was a beast. 4 more definitions add your own abr slang meaning already been rolled. a reference to a marijuana cigarette. phrase first used in ridgefield park nj by rex […]