belonging or pertaining to the acanthopterygii (acanthopteri), the group of spiny-finned fishes, including the b-ss and perch.
an acanthopterygian fish.
historical examples
acanthopterygian, ak-an-thop-tėr-ij′i-an, adj. having spiny fins.
chambers’s twentieth century dictionary (part 1 of 4: a-d) various
of, relating to, or belonging to the acanthopterygii, a large group of teleost fishes having spiny fin rays. the group includes most saltw-ter bony fishes
any fish belonging to the acanthopterygii
any of a large group of teleost fishes of the superorder acanthopterygii, having spiny rays in the dorsal and -n-l fins and including the b-ss, perch, mackerel, and swordfish.
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acanthorrhexis acanthorrhexis a·can·thor·rhex·is (ə-kān’thə-rěk’sĭs) n. rupture of the intercellular bridges of the pr-ckle cell layer of the epidermis, as in contact dermat-tis.
- Acanthosis
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- Acanthotic
acanthotic acanthotic ac·an·thot·ic (ak-an- thot’ik) n. pertaining to or characteristic of acanthosis
- Acanthous
. adjective another term for spinous
- Acanthrocyte
acanthrocyte acanthrocyte a·can·thro·cyte (ə-kān’thrə-sīt’) n. see acanthocyte.