acanthotic ac·an·thot·ic (ak-an- thot’ik)
pertaining to or characteristic of acanthosis
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- Acanthous
. adjective another term for spinous
- Acanthrocyte
acanthrocyte acanthrocyte a·can·thro·cyte (ə-kān’thrə-sīt’) n. see acanthocyte.
- Acanthrocytosis
acanthrocytosis acanthrocytosis a·can·thro·cy·to·sis (ə-kān’thrə-sī-tō’sĭs) n. see acanthocytosis.
- Acanthus family
the plant family acanthaceae, typified by tropical herbaceous plants and shrubs having simple opposite leaves, cl-sters of tubular bracted flowers, and seeds sometimes dispersed by exploding fruit, including the acanthus, caricature, and shrimp plant.
- Acapnia
a deficiency of carbon dioxide in the blood and tissues. acapnia a·cap·ni·a (ā-kāp’nē-ə) n. a condition marked by the presence of less than the normal amount of carbon dioxide in the blood and tissues.