
officially recognized as meeting the essential requirements, as of academic excellence:
accredited schools.
provided with official credentials, as by a government:
an accredited diplomatic representative.
accepted as authoritative:
an accredited theory.
to ascribe or attribute to (usually followed by with):
he was accredited with having said it.
to attribute or ascribe; consider as belonging:
an invention accredited to edison.
to provide or send with credentials; designate officially:
to accredit an envoy.
to certify (a school, college, or the like) as meeting all formal official requirements of academic excellence, curriculum, facilities, etc.
to make authoritative, creditable, or reputable; sanction.
to regard as true; believe.
contemporary examples

that’s exactly why hedge funds—which only accept money from so-called “accredited investors”—are largely free from regulation.
what goldman’s ‘victim’ knew john carney april 22, 2010

for that fall, aba-accredited law schools chose among 71,755 applicants–and there were only 173 accredited schools that year.
law school enrollments are plummeting. what happens next? megan mcardle january 17, 2013

it has about 100 students and is accredited to give degrees in nursing, theology, and music.
what made one goh, the oikos university shooter, snap? dara kerr april 3, 2012

they are accredited by a national midwifery organization, the north american registry of midwives.
home birth: increasingly popular, but dangerous mich-lle goldberg june 24, 2012

both haidak and doe have been unable to transfer to accredited four-year universities.
is um-ss-amherst biased against male students in t-tle ix -ssault cases? emily shire august 17, 2014

historical examples

theodore hook is accredited with the original pun which is the basis of a common conundrum.
the handbook of conundrums edith b. ordway

warning: permit only an accredited employee of this company to touch wiring.
made in tanganyika carl richard jacobi

i only wonder that chicago, with her accredited ‘git’ and ‘gumption,’ has not accepted my plan before.
wisconsin in story and song; various

we are accepting nothing but accredited calls until tomorrow.
a yankee flier over berlin al avery

in several cases the copyright had p-ssed entirely out of the control of the author or his accredited representative.
fifty contemporary one-act plays various

verb (transitive)
to ascribe or attribute
to give official recognition to; sanction; authorize
to certify or guarantee as meeting required standards
often foll by at or to

to furnish or send (an envoy, etc) with official credentials
to appoint (someone) as an envoy, etc

(nz) to p-ss (a candidate) for university entrance on school recommendation without external examination: there are six accrediting schools in the area

“furnished with credentials,” 1630s, past participle adjective from accredit (v.).

1610s, from french accréditer, from à “to” (see ad-) + créditer “to credit” (someone with a sum), from crédit “credit” (see credit). related: accredited; accrediting.

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