
historical examples

i could not forget that in very truth ruth’s accusal had been the result of this verdict.
the mystery of the hidden room marion harvey

she could face his accusal if only he could give the reason for it.
the coast of chance esther chamberlain

but the strange mental or spiritual power of tahn-té made it a thing of danger to let him live after accusal had been made.
the flute of the g-ds marah ellis ryan

he even sent messengers to richard himself with open letters of accusal.
the life and death of richard yea-and-nay maurice hewlett

another word for accusation

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    to charge with the fault, offense, or crime (usually followed by of): he accused him of murder. to find fault with; blame. to make an . verb to charge (a person or persons) with some fault, offence, crime, etc; impute guilt or blame v. c.1300, “charge (with an offense, etc.), impugn, blame,” from old french […]

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