a colorless gas, c 2 h 2 , having an etherlike odor, produced usually by the action of water on calcium carbide or by pyrolysis of natural gas: used especially in metal cutting and welding, as an illuminant, and in organic synthesis.
historical examples
they had put a table at the back of this cave, and an acetylene light illuminated it.
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only two of them, methane and acetylene, will be discussed here.
an elementary study of chemistry william mcpherson
by adjustment of the amount of air that enters the burner, acetylene may be burnt in a gas stove.
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finer grades are cut into slate pencils and acetylene burners.
the economic aspect of geology c. k. leith
the preparation and properties of methane and acetylene have been discussed in a previous chapter.
an elementary study of chemistry william mcpherson
david saw the flash of the acetylene lamps on his bedroom blind.
the following of the star florence l. barclay
the same difficulties arise with acetylene and electric light.
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acetylene, a compound of carbon and hydrogen, is used in this way.
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acetone dissolves twenty-four times its own bulk of acetylene at ordinary atmospheric pressure.
oxy-acetylene welding and cutting harold p. manly
acetylene has a low flashing point, and there is question as to36 its safety.
foods and household management helen kinne
a colourless flammable gas used in the manufacture of organic chemicals and in cutting and welding metals. formula: c2h2 systematic name ethyne
another name for alkyne
(as modifier): acetylene series
gaseous hydrocarbon, 1864, from french acétylène, coined by french chemist marcelin-pierre-eugène berthelot (1823-1907) from chemical ending -ene + acetyl, which was coined from acetic in 1839 by german chemist justus von liebig; see acetic. liebig’s coinage was in reference to a different radical; acetyl was transferred to its current sense in 1850s, but berthelot’s coinage was based on the original use of acetyl.
the name acetylene is an unfortunate one as the hydrocarbon is not directly related to the modern acetyl radical and the molecule … contains a triple bond, not a double bond which the suffix -ene (q.v.) implies. [flood, “origins of chemical names,” 1963]
acetylene a·cet·y·lene (ə-sět’l-ēn’, -ən)
a colorless, highly flammable, and explosive gas used for metal welding and cutting and as an illuminant.
(ə-sět’l-ēn’, -ən)
a colorless, highly flammable or explosive gas with a characteristic sweet odor. it is used in welding torches and in the manufacture of organic chemicals such as vinyl chloride. acetylene is the simplest alkyne, consisting of two carbon atoms joined by a triple bond and each attached to a single hydrogen atom. also called ethyne. chemical formula: c2h2.
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- Acetylic
of, relating to, or characteristic of the .
- Acetylide
any compound derived from acetylene by the replacement of one or both of its hydrogen atoms by a metal, as silver acetylide, ag 2 cl 2 . noun any of a cl-ss of carbides in which the carbon is present as a diatomic divalent ion (c22–). they are formally derivatives of acetylene
- Acetylsalicylate
a salt or ester of .
- Acetyltransferase
acetyltransferase acetyltransferase a·ce·tyl·trans·fer·ase (ə-sēt’l-trāns’fə-rās’, -rāz’, ās’ĭ-tl-) n. an enzyme that catalyzes the transfer of acetyl groups from one compound to another. also called acetylase, transacetylase.
- Acey-deucy
a form of backgammon in which a player, upon rolling a 1–2, moves 3 and then is allowed to name and play any doublet and to roll again. slang. a-ok; great. noun a form of backgammon