
botany. one of the small drupelets or berries of an aggregate, baccate fruit, as the blackberry.
a berry, as a grape or currant.

a minute rounded lobule.
the smallest secreting portion of a gland.

noun (pl) -ni (-ˌnaɪ)
(anatomy) any of the terminal saclike portions of a compound gland
(botany) any of the small drupes that make up the fruit of the blackberry, raspberry, etc
(botany, obsolete) a collection of berries, such as a bunch of grapes

acinus ac·i·nus (ās’ə-nəs)
n. pl. ac·i·ni (-nī’)
any of several minute grape-shaped secretory portions of an acinous gland.
a·cin’ic (ə-sĭn’ĭk) or ac’i·nose’ (ās’ə-nōs’) or ac’i·nous (-nəs) adj.

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