acroosteolysis ac·ro·os·te·ol·y·sis (āk’rō-ŏs’tē-ŏl’ĭ-sĭs)
a disorder that is usually congenital but may also be acquired by exposure to vinyl chloride, marked by ulcers on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet.
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acropachyderma acropachyderma ac·ro·pach·y·der·ma (āk’rō-pāk’ĭ-dûr’mə) n. thickening of the skin of the face, scalp, and extremities with clubbing of the fingers and deformities in the limb bones.
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noun (pathol) a persistent sensation of numbness and tingling in the hands and feet
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acroparesthesia acroparesthesia ac·ro·par·es·the·sia (āk’rō-pār’ĭs-thē’zhə) n. numbness, tingling, or other abnormal sensations in one or more of the extremities.
- Acropathy
any disease of the extremities. acropathy a·crop·a·thy (ə-krŏp’ə-thē) n. hereditary clubbing of the fingers and toes without an -ssociated progressive disease.
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noun one who lives in the mountains, one who loves mountain word origin greek acro- ‘summit, peak’