any of several spherical or rod-shaped, aerobic, parasitic bacteria of the genus actin-bacillus, certain species of which, as a. mallei, are pathogenic for animals.
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- Actinobacillosis
an infectious disease of cattle, domestic animals, and occasionally humans, resembling actinomycosis and caused by the bacterium actin-bacillus lignieresii. noun (vet science) a disease of cattle and sheep, caused by infection with an actin-bacillus lignieresii and characterized by soft tissue lesions, esp of the tongue also called wooden tongue, woody tongue, cruels
- Actinochemistry
the branch of dealing with actinism; photochemistry. noun another name for photochemistry
- Actinobiology
noun the branch of biology concerned with the effects of radiation on living organisms
- Actinodermatitis
inflammation of the skin caused by sunlight or other radiation. noun dermat-tis from exposure to radiation, esp ultraviolet light or x-rays actinodermat-tis ac·ti·no·der·ma·ti·tis (āk’tə-nō-dûr’mə-tī’tĭs) n. inflammation of the skin produced by exposure to sunlight. adverse reaction of skin to radiation therapy.
- Actinodrome
(of a leaf) palmately veined.