an infectious, inflammatory disease caused by actinomyces israelii in humans and a. bovis in domestic animals, and characterized by lumpy, often suppurating tumors, especially, about the jaws.
historical examples
thus in england actinomycosis of the tongue is most prevalent.
special report on diseases of cattle u.s. department of agriculture
in 1906 we discovered the existence of actinomycosis among the black mountain sheep of northern british columbia.
our vanishing wild life william t. hornaday
when it affects the lower jaw, in its early stages, actinomycosis may closely simulate a periosteal sarcoma.
manual of surgery alexis thomson and alexander miles
bollinger determined that the actinomyces bovis (streptothrix bovis) is the cause of actinomycosis in cattle in 1877.
the fundamentals of bacteriology charles bradfield morrey
the primary infection of glanders and of actinomycosis may also occur on the face.
manual of surgery volume second: extremities–head–neck. sixth edition. alexander miles
in actinomycosis the adjacent lymphatic glands are not involved.
surgery, with special reference to podiatry maximilian stern
actinomycosis may in some cases be confounded with tuberculosis.
special report on diseases of cattle u.s. department of agriculture
actinomycosis, a disease of a fungous nature on the mouth and lower jaw of cows.
the nuttall encyclopaedia edited by rev. james wood
the cows are known to be free from tuberculosis, actinomycosis (lumpy jaw), and foot and mouth disease.
the mother and her child william s. sadler
actinomycosis of the tongue, in interfering with the many and varied movements of this important organ, is also a serious matter.
special report on diseases of cattle u.s. department of agriculture
a fungal disease of cattle and of cats and dogs, sometimes transmitted to humans esp by bites, characterized by a swelling of the affected part, most often the jaw or lungs nontechnical name lumpy jaw
actinomycosis ac·ti·no·my·co·sis (āk’tə-nō-mī-kō’sĭs)
an inflammatory disease of cattle, hogs, and sometimes humans, caused by microorganisms of the genus actinomyces and characterized by lumpy tumors of the mouth, neck, chest, and abdomen.
ac’ti·no·my·cot’ic (-kŏt’ĭk) adj.
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