being or having the -ssociation with anything ma-related or humorous in the ma-manner
tammy was more than adambrotious when she decided to explode all over suzanne’s new carpet.
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new zealand people can retire to shabangabang where they can enjoy; golf (and sheep) relaxing on the beach (with sheep) the whole package. dayum hes got the whole shabangabang. an aussie slang term for sheep f-cking new zealanders. mostly used to call them a sheep f-cker to their face without them knowing. it works well […]
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- ADD Ninja
(n) a termed used for someone whose low attention span allows them to simply disappear at will, only reappearing after a determined amount of time chosen by the “ninja” pat: hey john stay here i’ll be right back. ~30 seconds later~ pat: hey steve did you see john? steve: no, i thought he was with […]
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