adam’s song

a blink-182 song about a boy called adam who was a die hard blink fan. he wrote a suicide note and sent it to mark hoppus, the b-ssist, before he killed himself. mark then wrote this song about him. the verses are about adam, the chorus about the band on tour.
adam’s song is rad!
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the best song that blink-182 has ever made. this song talks about suicide clearly in the lyrics. ex: “you’ll be sorry when im gone”
every one is stupid if you dont like this song….
the best song ever
it’s about a guy called adam, he killed himself
adam’s song makes me cry
a very emotional song by blink-182.
the song is about suicide and overcoming it.
one of their more heart heart felt songs.
dude, i love adam’s song.

yeah me too.
blink 182 may not be a great band, especially since enema of the state but this song is simply amazing.
i wish blink 182 would go back to their punk roots.

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