adirondack mountain people
a single family comprised of all the people who live in the adirondacks of northern new york state.
they often live in small villages and greet outsiders with suspicion. outsiders are blamed for most of the crime, even when its revealed that a crime was perpetrated by one of their relatives.
they all share common ancestors, and usually survive to the next generation by breeding with 2nd or 3rd cousins. they rarely leave the area, but many take the leap and move to the big city of either watertown, canton, or m-ssena.
due to the lack of anything entertaining in the area, they entertain themselves by gossipping about each other, making bathtub meth, and camping in the woods. gossip was historically discussed in local bars, of which they have plenty, or at family gatherings at their camps. since highspeed internet came to the area in 2012, the gossipping has moved online to topix sites. locals will now discuss the wh-r-s on maple street, the new stop sign next to the perverts house, and who is having intercourse with each other in public internet forums for anyone to view (seriously, look it up).
there are no jobs in the area and it is a complete mystery how people survive, especially with 9 months of -20 degree weather.
local attractions include the thousand islands, yardsales, rivers that have septic tanks draining directly into them, and an occasional black person.
jared went on vacation with his family to cranberry lake in the adirondacks. while there, many of the adirondack mountain people greeeted him by calling him an outsider and told him to go back where he came from.
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