
tending to .
historical examples

the tone was admissive, and as if she had said, “that is another thing!”
real folks mrs. a. d. t. whitney

i have been thus precise, because criticism is to me not “a game,” nor admissive of cogging and falsification.
notes and queries, number 197, august 6, 1853 various

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  • Admit of

    to allow to enter; grant or afford entrance to: to admit a student to college. to give right or means of entrance to: this ticket admits two people. to permit to exercise a certain function or privilege: admitted to the bar. to permit; allow. to allow or concede as valid: to admit the force of […]

  • Admittee

    a person who has been or is going to be : every admittee must present a ticket at the door.

  • Admittable

    to allow to enter; grant or afford entrance to: to admit a student to college. to give right or means of entrance to: this ticket admits two people. to permit to exercise a certain function or privilege: admitted to the bar. to permit; allow. to allow or concede as valid: to admit the force of […]

  • Admittedly

    by acknowledgment; by one’s own admission; confessedly: he was admittedly the one who had lost the doc-ments. contemporary examples but it is not actually as toxic as it seems (although, admittedly, it does seem pretty toxic). new york’s conservative fracking ban jay michaelson december 19, 2014 another recent example, which, admittedly, has its own problems, […]

  • Admitted

    to allow to enter; grant or afford entrance to: to admit a student to college. to give right or means of entrance to: this ticket admits two people. to permit to exercise a certain function or privilege: admitted to the bar. to permit; allow. to allow or concede as valid: to admit the force of […]

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