adrenic ad·re·nic (ə-drē’nĭk, ə-drěn’-)
of or relating to the adrenal glands.
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- Adreno-
a combining form representing adrenal, or adrenaline, in compound words: adrenocortical. adreno- or adren- pref. adrenal gland; adrenal: adrenomegaly.
- Adrenoceptive
adrenoceptive adrenoceptive ad·re·no·cep·tive (ə-drē’nō-sěp’tĭv) adj. of or relating to chemical sites in effector cells with which the adrenergic mediator unites.
- Adrenocortical hormone
adrenocortical hormone adrenocortical hormone n. any of the various hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex, especially cortisol, aldosterone, and corticosterone. also called cortical hormone.
- Adrenocortical
of, relating to, or produced by the cortex of the adrenal gland. adrenocortical ad·re·no·cor·ti·cal (ə-drē’nō-kôr’tĭ-kəl) adj. of, relating to, or derived from the adrenal cortex.
- Adrenocortical insufficiency
adrenocortical insufficiency adrenocortical insufficiency n. loss or diminution of adrenocortical function, as in addison’s disease. also called hypocorticoidism.