of or relating to the organs and tissues of the respiratory tract and the upper part of the digestive tract
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- Aerodonetics
noun (functioning as sing) the study of soaring or gliding flight, esp the study of gliders n. science of gliding, 1907, from greek aero- “air” (see aero-) + stem of donein “to shake, drive about.” also see -ics.
- Aerodontalgia
a toothache caused by lowered barometric pressure, as in high-alt-tude flight. aerodontalgia aer·o·don·tal·gi·a (âr’ō-dŏn-tāl’jē-ə, -jə) n. toothache caused by decreased atmospheric pressure.
- Aerodyn.
aerodyn. aerodynamics
- Aerodynamic braking
noun the use of aerodynamic drag to slow sp-cecraft re-entering the atmosphere the use of airbrakes to r-t-rd flying vehicles or objects the use of a parachute or reversed thrust to decelerate an aircraft during landing
- Aerodynamic drag
noun see air resistance