aeromedicine aer·o·med·i·cine (âr’ō-měd’ĭ-sĭn)
the medical study and treatment of physiological and psychological disorders -ssociated with atmospheric or sp-ce flight.
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- Aeromedical
of or relating to the science or practice of aviation medicine.
- Aerometeorograph
a for use in aircraft. noun (mainly us) an aircraft instrument that records temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure
- Aerometer
an instrument for determining the weight, density, etc., of air or other gases. noun an instrument for determining the m-ss or density of a gas, esp air
- Aeronautical engineering
see under . the branch of engineering that deals with the design, development, testing, and production of aircraft and related systems (aeronautical engineering) and of sp-cecraft, missiles, rocket-propulsion systems, and other equipment operating beyond the earth’s atmosphere (astronautical engineering) historical examples aeronautical engineering has become one of the recognized professions. meteorology charles fitzhugh talman the […]
- Aeropause
the indefinite boundary in the upper atmosphere beyond which the air is too thin for conventional aircraft to operate. noun the region of the upper atmosphere above which aircraft cannot fly