swallowing of air, sometimes due to nervousness or anxiety.
historical examples
aerophagia is by no means, therefore, a simple involuntary movement, but a combination of systematised muscular actions.
tics and their treatment henry meigne
spasmodic swallowing of air, a habit that can lead to belching and stomach pain
aerophagia aer·o·pha·gia (âr’ə-fā’jə) or aer·oph·a·gy (-ŏf’ə-jē)
the excessive swallowing of air or gas.
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- Aerophil
aerophil aerophil aer·o·phil (âr’ə-fĭl) or aer·o·phile (-fīl’) adj. thriving in the presence of air; air-loving. n. an aerobic organism, especially an obligate aerobe.
- Aerophore
a portable device filled with compressed air and used in cases of asphyxia or the like.
- Aerophyte
. noun another name for epiphyte n. 1840, perhaps via french aerophyte, from aero- + -phyte “plant.” aerophyte (âr’ə-fīt’) see epiphyte.
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aeropiesotherapy aeropiesotherapy aer·o·pi·e·so·ther·a·py (âr’ō-pī-ē’sō-thěr’ə-pē) n. the treatment of disease using compressed or rarified air.
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