the study or collection of airmail stamps, cancellations, etc.
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- Aerophone
any musical wind instrument. historical examples he felt unwell; he felt angry; if the aerophone refused to work at all to-morrow, he would care nothing. stella fregelius h. rider haggard i think, i really think i have nearly perfected my aerophone. stella fregelius h. rider haggard can you give me a short description of the […]
- Aerosinusitis
inflammation of the nasal sinuses caused by the effect on the sinuses of changes in atmospheric pressure. aerosinusitis aer·o·si·nus·i·tis (âr’ō-sī’nə-sī’tĭs) n. inflammation of the paranasal sinuses caused by a difference between the pressure within the sinus cavities and the ambient pressure. also called barosinusitis.
- Aerospace
the atmosphere and the beyond considered as a whole. the industry concerned with the design and manufacture of aircraft, rockets, missiles, sp-cecraft, etc., that operate in aerosp-ce. of or relating to aerosp-ce or the aerosp-ce industry. noun the atmosphere and sp-ce beyond (modifier) of or relating to rockets, missiles, sp-ce vehicles, etc, that fly or […]
- Aerosphere
. noun (archaic) the entire atmosphere surrounding the earth
- Aerostatic
of or relating to . of, or capable of supporting, aerostats. historical examples through me, the aerostatic art would render immense services to the world, if g-d should spare my life! a voyage in a balloon (1852) jules verne you think, then, that aerostatic science has said its last word? five weeks in a balloon […]