historical examples
i propose to ask your attention for a little while to some propositions in affirmance of that statement.
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he confessed just before the court of appeals filed its opinion of affirmance in your case.
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the affirmance of these powers by the supreme court in 1912 is described at p. 586, infra.
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it demanded the affirmance of the oft-repeated declaration that there should be no more slave states admitted into the union.
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it required not the affirmance, and could not be negatived, by the state governments.
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tom, though against all form of law, rejoined in affirmance of the words.
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the attorney-general supported mr. walpole in affirmance of this principle.
the works of the right honourable edmund burke, vol. xi. (of 12) edmund burke
the action of the present houses, moreover, is an affirmance of their right to eliminate the false votes from the true.
the electoral votes of 1876 david dudley field
the general paused for the effect, solemnly nodding his head at his astounded auditors in affirmance.
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or -ssenting; -sserting the truth, validity, or fact of something. expressing agreement or consent; -ssenting: an affirmative reply. positive; not negative. logic. noting a proposition in which a property of a subject is , as “all men are happy.”. something that or -sserts; a positive statement or proposition; . a reply indicating -ssent, as yes […]
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