
tending or having power to or unite:
an agglutinative substance.
linguistics. pertaining to or noting a language, as turkish, characterized by .
compare (def 2), .
historical examples

technically speaking, esperanto combines the characteristics of an inflected language with those of an agglutinative one.
international language walter j. clark

with regard to syntax, the basque resembles all agglutinative languages.
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the sumerian language was of agglutinative type, radically distinct both from the pure semitic idioms and from egyptian.
history of egypt, chalda, syria, babylonia, and -ssyria in the light of recent discovery l.w. king and h.r. hall

they spoke an agglutinative language, and resembled the chinese very much both in physical type and in character.
human origins samuel laing

agglutinative languages do not often possess special adverbial endings.
sumerian hymns frederick augustus vanderburgh

their absence, however, is readily explained by the persistence of the agglutinative principle, which renders them unnecessary.
man, past and present agustus henry keane

in the agglutinative languages, or at any rate in some of them, some of the post-fixed elements have still an independent value.
encyclopaedia britannica, 11th edition, volume 14, slice 4 various

their language was “agglutinative monosyllabic,” with mingled nigritic and semitic characteristics.
the rand-mcnally bible atlas jesse l. hurlbut

the juxtaposing technique we may call an “agglutinative” one, if we like.
language edward sapir

chinese belongs to the former cl-ss of languages, the “monosyllabic,” turkish to the latter, the “agglutinative.”
chaldea znade a. ragozin

tending to join or capable of joining
(linguistics) also agglomerative. denoting languages, such as hungarian, whose morphology is characterized by agglutination compare -n-lytic (sense 3), synthetic (sense 3), polysynthetic

1630s, in a medical sense, from latin agglutinat-, past participle stem of agglutinare (see agglutination). philological sense is from 1650s.

agglutinative ag·glu·ti·na·tive (ə-glōōt’n-ā’tĭv, -ə-tĭv)
concerning or characteristic of agglutination.

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