a farmer.
an expert in .
historical examples
antiseptics are a source of serious danger to the agriculturist.
the dwelling house george vivian poore
the agriculturist does not pretend that he has created the corn; but he has given it its value.
sophisms of the protectionists frederic bastiat
the chief employment of the ashantee agriculturist is clearing the ground from the rank, luxuriant growth which covers it.
the world and its people: book vii anna b. badlam
another friend of the agriculturist is the phymata erosa (fig. 263).
our common insects alpheus spring packard
and, further, will they do so sufficiently to enable the agriculturist to meet the ever-increasing weight which presses on him?
the hills and the vale richard jefferies
for how should we clothe ourselves, how nourish ourselves, without the agriculturist?
madame bovary gustave flaubert
but he was not himself an agriculturist or an ex-agriculturist.
the foundations of j-pan j.w. robertson scott
women are a sore trial to the patience of the agriculturist in a busy time.
the toilers of the field richard jefferies
there is no doubt the crow is a damage to the agriculturist.
scientific american supplement, no. 385, may 19, 1883 various
whether this is a gain or loss to the agriculturist, is not for us to determine.
farm drainage henry flagg french
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the science, art, or occupation concerned with cultivating land, raising crops, and feeding, breeding, and raising livestock; farming. the production of crops, livestock, or poultry. . historical examples agriculturally, the lias clays are laid down for gr-ss, but the lighter soils are useful for arable purposes. the natural history of clay alfred b. searle agriculturally, […]
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the comparative study of nonliterate cultures. n. study of prehistoric human customs, 1878, from agrio-, from greek agrios “wild,” literally “living in the fields,” from agros “field” (see acre) + -logy. related: agriologist (n.), 1875.
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