any plant belonging to the genus agrimonia, of the rose family, especially the perennial a. eupatoria, having pinnate leaves and small, yellow flowers.
any of certain other plants, as hemp agrimony or bur marigold.
historical examples
their look was sure death, but they could be poisoned by a draught compounded of agrimony, dill and vervain.
masters of the guild l. lamprey
agrimony boiled in milk was thought to relieve impotence in men.
our legal heritage, 5th ed. s. a. reilly
you may boil in it pellitory of the wall, agrimony, or what herbs you please.
the closet of sir kenelm digby knight opened kenelm digby
you often find a dozen of these little green bells fastened to your skirt if you have been where the agrimony grows.
flowers shown to the children c. e. smith
agrimony, ag′ri-mun-i, n. a genus of plants of the rose-group, with small yellow flowers and bitter taste.
chambers’s twentieth century dictionary (part 1 of 4: a-d) various
by the hedge the agrimony frequently lifts its long stem, surrounded with small yellow petals.
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that agrimony leaves will cure cattle suffering from coughs, and that wounded deer use this same herb to heal their hurts.
the old english herbals eleanour sinclair rohde
any of various n temperate rosaceous plants of the genus agrimonia, which have compound leaves, long spikes of small yellow flowers, and bristly burlike fruits
any of several other plants, such as hemp agrimony
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