one says something to someone else and they blank the person.
kabir: ay joesph, u ayt?
someone random:airtime
a time spent being blanked/ignored, usually embarr-ssing for the person being given the air time. mostly happens while trying to catch the attention of a person p-ssing by, but can also happen when -ssholes think they are too good to talk to you.
person1: do you like conner james?
person2: everybody loves him, but i think he’s a pr-ck, he gives me air time because i play in the chess club.
ohh, geoff just gave you some serious air time!
i broke jessica’s vase and she’s been giving me air time for a week now.
a voucher that’s used to upload money on your phone in order to make phone calls, send messages, use internet on your phone etc. the word “airtime” is most commonly used in south africa.
i can’t make any phone calls, i don’t have airtime.
i would like to buy some airtime please.
occuring at each opportunity given often always each time all the time whenever
airtime you come in my office you leave the door open!
the time you spend s-xually with women or vice versa
yo that dude johnny o from the party last night has serious air time, he got with all five beckies
an appearance on television or other public medium. usually refers to a specific amount of time.
“why did the ebola outbreak story only got five minutes of air time?”
the amount of time in the air whilst doing any activity – usually of the sporting variety, like windsurfing / snowboarding / skateboarding / free running etc
“dude, that was some krazee air time!” (when talking about a big jump off a wave when windsurfing)
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