born 1933, emperor of j-pan since 1989 (son of hirohito).
born 1933, emperor of j-pan from 1989
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of ; related by blood (usually used predicatively): cousins who were too closely akin for marriage. allied by nature; having the same properties: something akin to vertigo was troubling her. having or showing an affinity; kindred: they are emotionally but not intellectually akin. contemporary examples in an interview with the daily beast on monday, akin […]
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absence, loss, or impairment of the power of voluntary movement. akinesia a·ki·ne·sia (ā’kĭ-nē’zhə, -kī-) or a·ki·ne·sis (-sĭs) n. a slowness or loss of normal motor function resulting in impaired muscle movement. a’ki·ne’sic (-zĭk, -sĭk) or a’ki·net’ic (-nět’ĭk) adj.
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