akinesthesia a·kin·es·the·sia (ā-kĭn’ĭs-thē’zhə, ā-kī’nĭs-)
loss of the ability to perceive movement.
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absence, loss, or impairment of the power of voluntary movement. historical examples he called all conditions with marked inactivity and apathy “akinetic psychoses” and said that some recovered, some did not. benign stupors august hoch akinesia a·ki·ne·sia (ā’kĭ-nē’zhə, -kī-) or a·ki·ne·sis (-sĭs) n. a slowness or loss of normal motor function resulting in impaired muscle […]
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a state of apparent alertness with normal eye movements but no speech or other voluntary motion, usually due to a stroke. akinetic mutism n. a syndrome characterized by the inability to speak, loss of voluntary movement, and apparent loss of emotional feeling. it is related to lesions of the upper brain stem.
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noun (pl) akiraho a small new zealand shrub, olearia paniculata, with white flowers
- Akkad
one of the ancient kingdoms of mesopotamia, the northern division of babylonia. also called agade. a city in and the capital of this kingdom, one of the three cities of nimrod’s kingdom. gen. 10:10. . historical examples this was centuries before sargon of akkad followed in his footsteps. history of egypt, chalda, syria, babylonia, and […]