
causing or fear:
an alarming case of pneumonia; an alarming lack of respect.
contemporary examples

the experience put her in a mental hospital, where, alarmingly, she asked her visiting father to beat her.
year of the short story taylor antrim march 24, 2009

there are now about 1,000 tanks at the plant, but water continues to flow in—and, alarmingly, out to sea.
f-kushima n-plant will be surrounded by a wall of ice josh dzieza september 3, 2013

alarmingly, pippa told lauer that ‘the plan’ was to continue her writing career.
why pippa middleton doesn’t get she’s just another celebrity tom sykes june 30, 2014

version e of conficker came out at the beginning of april 2009 and—alarmingly—it remains unbroken a year and a half later.
cyber-terror: the new nukes? trevor b-tterworth september 26, 2010

graedon comes down firmly on the side of the luddites, but her vision of the future is less alarmist than alarmingly within reach.
this week’s hot reads: april 21, 2014 thomas flynn april 21, 2014

historical examples

however, we were all confronted with an alarmingly solemn doc-ment.
three comedies bjrnstjerne m. bjrnson

the lady’s manner was this morning most alarmingly gracious.
tales and novels, volume 8 (of 10) maria edgeworth

when this prophecy proved to be alarmingly true, a drastic method was adopted to save the bourbons.
the life of napoleon i (volumes, 1 and 2) john holland rose

you do not know how alarmingly she has changed for the worse.
pretty madcap dorothy laura jean libbey

she went b-tting at him, her voice raised to a shriek, her nails out, alarmingly near to his face.
mildred arkell, (vol 3 of 3) ellen wood


1787, from alarming, present participle adjective from alarm (v.), + -ly (2).

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