
a female given name: derived from albert.
contemporary examples

albertine was forced to move back in with her mother with no sign of a future career.
a first lady of punk rock talks justin jones december 8, 2014

the fugitive opens with the flight of the narrator’s own obsessive love interest, albertine.
david’s book club: the fugitive david frum january 12, 2013

albertine, comparatively poor and in the habit of living on the hospitality of rich friends, agrees.
proust: the captive david frum november 3, 2012

instead, the narrator only accelerates after albertine’s death his ferocious investigations of her suspected lesbian love affairs.
david’s book club: the fugitive david frum january 12, 2013

her response was a “very un-macho, uncool, and unexciting one,” according to albertine.
a first lady of punk rock talks justin jones december 8, 2014

historical examples

he thinks youre dead, killed when the albertine range was annihilated.
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gilbert profited by their being so engaged, to carry away sebastian, guided by albertine who fastened up the outer door after him.
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on the division of saxony in 1485 it fell to the albertine line, which has since held it.
encyclopaedia britannica, 11th edition, volume 8, slice 7 various

it was cautiously opened by albertine, a woman with whom marat cohabited, and who p-ssed for his wife.
harper’s new monthly magazine, volume 1, no. 2, july, 1850. various

look, albertine, said he, and with me thank the chance enabling me to do a good turn for one of my brothers.
the hero of the people alexandre dumas

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