
any of a cl-ss of organic compounds containing the group −cho, which yields acids when oxidized and alcohols when reduced.
historical examples

the reactions of cellulose certainly indicate that the co- group is ketonic rather than aldehydic.
researches on cellulose c. f. cross

any organic compound containing the group -cho. aldehydes are oxidized to carboxylic acids and take part in many addition reactions
(modifier) consisting of, containing, or concerned with the group -cho: aldehyde group or radical

first oxidation product of alcohol, 1833, discovered in 1774 by german-born swedish chemist carl wilhelm scheele (1742-1786), the name said to have been coined by german chemist justus von liebig (1803-1873) from abbreviation of modern latin alcohol dehydrogenatum “dehydrogenated alcohol.”

aldehyde al·de·hyde (āl’də-hīd’)

any of a cl-ss of reactive organic chemical compounds obtained by oxidation of primary alcohols, characterized by the common group cho, and used in the manufacture of resins, dyes, and organic acids.

see acetaldehyde.

any of a cl-ss of highly reactive organic compounds obtained by oxidation of certain alcohols and containing the group cho. aldehydes are used in manufacturing resins, dyes, and organic acids.

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