a river flowing n from s france to the loire. about 250 miles (400 km) long.
a department in central france. 2850 sq. mi. (7380 sq. km).
capital: moulins.
historical examples
boii, an ancient people of gaul, occupying territory between the allier and the loire.
the nuttall encyclopaedia edited by rev. james wood
i had crossed the loire the day before; now i was to cross the allier; so near are these two confluents in their youth.
the works of robert louis stevenson – swanston edition robert louis stevenson
of that over the allier and of the parisian one, some of the ancient piles have been found in the bed of the rivers.
paris from the earliest period to the present day; volume 1 william walton
i was soon out of the cultivated basin of the allier, and away from the ploughing oxen and such-like sights of the country.
the works of robert louis stevenson – swanston edition robert louis stevenson
a short distance to the south on the same side are the sources of the allier and lot.
encyclopaedia britannica, 11th edition, volume 5, slice 7 various
before it lies the valley of the allier and the great rugged mountains of auvergne.
lafayette, we come! rupert s. holland
he sat for allier and was one of the fifteen officers chosen to -ssist in the peace negotiations.
encyclopaedia britannica, 11th edition, volume 2, slice 8 various
in the month of august, 1887, lightning struck the belfry of the church at abrest (allier), carrying off part of the roof.
thunder and lightning camille flammarion
pradelles stands on a hillside, high above the allier, surrounded by rich meadows.
the works of robert louis stevenson – swanston edition robert louis stevenson
allier, a confluent of the river loire, in france, near nevers; also the department through which it flows.
the nuttall encyclopaedia edited by rev. james wood
a department of central france, in auvergne region. capital: moulins. pop: 342 307 (2003 est). area: 7382 sq km (2879 sq miles)
a river in s central france, rising in the cévennes and flowing north to the loire. length: over 403 km (250 miles)
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plural of . (initial capital letter) (in world war i) the powers of the triple entente (great britain, france, russia), with the nations with them (belgium, serbia, j-pan, italy, etc., not including the united states), or, loosely, with all the nations (including the united states) or -ssociated with them as opposed to the central powers. […]
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