
to set apart for a particular purpose; -ssign or allot:
to allocate funds for new projects.
to fix the place of; locate.
contemporary examples

yet resources will also be allocated to some new writers and even some smaller books—because they have to be.
why random and penguin must merge—and when they almost did gayle feldman november 8, 2012

of that, $494 million was allocated to clean the bunker hill site in idaho.
our most polluted states the daily beast may 18, 2010

the u.s. military had not established any prisoner of war protocols or allocated resources to handle the captured enemy.
the first american: excerpt from henry crumpton’s ‘the art of intelligence’ henry a. crumpton may 13, 2012

as matthew d-ckinson points out, by super tuesday in 2008, more than half of the republican delegates had been allocated.
romney’s slow motion victory noah kristula-green march 7, 2012

nonetheless, shia-online announced thursday that it had allocated $100,000 for the killing of najafi.
iranian rapper shahin najafi faces death threats for song deemed insult omid memarian may 11, 2012

historical examples

and each acquisition he makes will be no longer merely “stored,” but duly “allocated.”
spontaneous activity in education maria montessori

nor can these new expenses be allocated to the new business alone.
railroads: rates and regulations william z. ripley

could not artists be allocated at birth in a system of unchangeable groups?
the london mercury, vol. i, nos. 1-6, november 1919 to april 1920 various

resources were allocated within it with reasonable efficiency.
after the rain sam vaknin

the work was allocated equally amongst the villages, and a wholesome emulation was created.
the story of john g. paton james paton

verb (transitive)
to -ssign or allot for a particular purpose
a less common word for locate (sense 2)

1630s, from verbal used of adjective allocate (mid-15c. in legal use), from medieval latin allocate (the common first word of writs authorizing payment), imperative plural of allocare “allocate,” from latin ad- “to” (see ad-) + locare “to place” (see locate). related: allocated; allocating.

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