to set apart for a particular purpose; -ssign or allot:
to allocate funds for new projects.
to fix the place of; locate.
contemporary examples
“it pretty much looks like taking a central solar plant and allocating it across 3,000 roofs,” said rumido.
panel discussion the daily beast september 7, 2014
tf: it may be at certain stages of development—for allocating resources, for example.
america needs a makeover tony doukopil september 8, 2011
unlike in years past, more than 40 states are allocating their delegates proportionally, instead of winner take all.
no clear path to victory for romney john avlon, ben jacobs march 6, 2012
it’s a very efficient way of allocating resources and capital.
auletta and cohan discuss greed and geithner the daily beast april 22, 2009
historical examples
how are you to subdivide these magisterial districts for the purpose of allocating members?
liberalism and the social problem winston spencer churchill
it consists in taking the whole performance to pieces and allocating the praise.
faces in the fire frank w. boreham
in the face of all this the colonies were conspicuously and notoriously unable to agree upon any principle of allocating grants.
the story of newfoundland frederick edwin smith, earl of birkenhead
allocating three percent or less of gdp for defense could easily prove to be a ceiling and not a floor.
shock and awe harlan k. ullman
the bill was accompanied by a financial scheme for a new system of allocating the parliamentary grant.
encyclopaedia britannica, 11th edition, volume 8, slice 10 various
verb (transitive)
to -ssign or allot for a particular purpose
a less common word for locate (sense 2)
1630s, from verbal used of adjective allocate (mid-15c. in legal use), from medieval latin allocate (the common first word of writs authorizing payment), imperative plural of allocare “allocate,” from latin ad- “to” (see ad-) + locare “to place” (see locate). related: allocated; allocating.
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the act of ; apportionment. the state of being . the share or portion . accounting. a system of dividing expenses and incomes among the various branches, departments, etc., of a business. noun the act of allocating or the state of being allocated a part that is allocated; share (accounting, brit) a system of dividing […]
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to set apart for a particular purpose; -ssign or allot: to allocate funds for new projects. to fix the place of; locate. verb (transitive) to -ssign or allot for a particular purpose a less common word for locate (sense 2) v. 1630s, from verbal used of adjective allocate (mid-15c. in legal use), from medieval latin […]
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