Alpha Theta Chi

a local fraternity at hope college. known as the centurions, they are pretty averages guys who you wouldn’t necessarily guess to be in greek life. all have an unhealthy obsession with making jokes about b-tts-x and having small d-cks. many talk like they are from california also. they can be heard all over campus with their distinctive “whoop whoop” call between brothers. not everyone knows them, but everyone that does know them loves them.
girl 1: so i heard you hooked up with an alpha theta chi (cent) last night…again

girl 2: ya, i figured forget the “nickel”…i’m going for the “quarter”. they are just h-lla bro chill even though they overdo it with the b-tts-x jokes occasionally. i made him “whoop whoop”…that’s for sure.

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