
a young girl, usually 19, who still has the blonde hair with blue dye streaks, a lip ring, blue eye shadow, ripped jeans and the 8″ high black clog shoes look of alternative rock girls from the early 1990’s. the most obvious characteristic of these girls is that they will never be your girlfriend, but can easily be taken home for a one night stand of incredible s-x if you tell them you’re in an alternative rock band.
hey alternachick, come home with me and i’ll show you my 4 non blondes memorbilia collection…
any girl who dresses everyday like she is going to some concert doens’t matter what kind of music it is (rock, techno, whatever) as long as fits into some stereotype. although heteros-xual, these girls don’t like dating guys. thay are tomboys but they are not butch. unlike metro s-xuals they are not high maintenance. (thats where there is role reversal: metro s-xuals are high maintenance as you would expect a girl to be. alternachicks are not they are more like guys.) i don’t know if they can be labeled as a wh-r- because you can’t say they go sleeping around with everyone but it seems that they prefer flings over dating. it seems that both metro s-xuals and alternachicks seem to lead the lifestle of the opposite s-x, only without being masculine or butch.
tom: who is was that hot eccentric girl at your party?

jack: that’s demonica, she is an alterna chick.

tom: whats that?

jack: you know: a girl who pursues her own fashion sense that is her own making. she is always on some sort of diet. she can’t date one guy. she drinks beer and takes shots. she rarely wears makeup and thats why she can’t geta job as a bertender, but can easily get a job at hot topic. she always hangsout with guys atsome live music event and occasionally makes out with girls at parties.

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