a little cavity, pit, or cell, as a cell of a honeycomb.
an air cell of the lungs, formed by the terminal dilation of tiny air p-ssageways.
one of the terminal secretory units of a racemose gland.
the socket within the jawbone in which the root or roots of a tooth are set.
historical examples
frequently they are found in alveolar arrangement, retaining the original outline of the alveoli of the lung (fig. 4, b).
a manual of clinical diagnosis james campbell todd
the pores or alveoli are angular elongated, white at first, then straw-color.
the mushroom, edible and otherwise m. e. hard
pertaining to the alveoli, the cavities for the reception of the teeth.
a practical physiology albert f. blaisdell
the inferior border is hollowed out into alveoli, in which are implanted the superior molar and canine teeth.
artistic anatomy of animals douard cuyer
around this p-ssage are grouped a number of honeycomb-like sacs, the air cells or alveoli of the lungs.
a practical physiology albert f. blaisdell
owing to the absence of superior incisors in ruminants, the intermaxillary bone presents no alveoli.
artistic anatomy of animals douard cuyer
the state of the alveoli and the teeth, shows that the molars had not yet pierced the gum.
on some fossil remains of man thomas h. huxley
few or no intact epithelial cells may be found in the alveoli.
a system of practical medicine by american authors, vol. ii various
its alveoli in one maxilla are closed and those in the opposite maxilla are more open than is normal.
the recent mammals of tamaulipas, mexico ticul alvarez
the teeth become loose, project from the alveoli, and sometimes fall out.
manual of surgery volume second: extremities–head–neck. sixth edition. alexander miles
noun (pl) -li (-ˌlaɪ)
any small pit, cavity, or saclike dilation, such as a honeycomb cell
any of the sockets in which the roots of the teeth are embedded
any of the tiny air sacs in the lungs at the end of the bronchioles, through which oxygen is taken into the blood
1706, from latin alveolus “a tray, trough, basin; bed of a small river,” diminutive of alvus “belly, stomach, paunch, bowels; hold of a ship,” from pie -aulo- “hole, cavity” (cf. greek aulos “tube, pipe,” old church slavonic uliji, lithuanian aulys “beehive” (hollow trunk), armenian yli “pregnant”).
alveolus al·ve·o·lus (āl-vē’ə-ləs)
n. pl. al·ve·o·li (-lī’)
a small angular cavity or pit, such as a tooth socket or an air sac.
plural alveoli (āl-vē’ə-lī’)
any of the tiny air-filled sacs arranged in cl-sters in the lungs, in which the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place. also called air sac.
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a combining form of : alveolopalatal. alveolo- pref. alveolus; alveolar: alveoloclasia.
- Alveolocapillary membrane
alveolocapillary membrane alveolocapillary membrane al·ve·o·lo·cap·il·lar·y membrane (āl-vē’ə-lō-kāp’ə-lěr’ē) n. a thin layer of tissue that mediates the exchange of gases between the alveoli and the blood in the pulmonary capillaries.
- Alveoloclasia
alveoloclasia alveoloclasia al·ve·o·lo·cla·si·a (āl-vē’ə-lō-klā’zē-ə, -zhə) n. destruction of an alveolus.
- Alveolodental membrane
alveolodental membrane alveolodental membrane n. see periodontium.
- Alveolodental ligament
alveolodental ligament alveolodental ligament n. see periodontal ligament.