someone who despises non-dubbed anime. he is often disruptive and loud, always wanting to be the centre of attention. he denies the existance of online games and enjoys a session of rap every now and then.
ameer: hey you watched episode 29 of gundam yet?
sohail: what, no, gundam sucks, 50 cent videos are better.
ameer: what the h-ll, no they aren’t!!
sohail: yeah they are, innit, mc12 rappah in da house!!
ameer: you played any fiesta or runescape yet?
sohail: what the h-ll is that?
ameer: an internet game.
sohail: what the h-ll, computers aren’t meant for games they’re meant for nerds an’ geeks an’ stuff.
ameer: you’re such an alwarey.
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