

ambilevous am·bi·le·vous (ām’bĭ-lē’vəs)
having the ability to perform manual skill tasks with both hands.

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    working in two directions simultaneously. physics, chemistry. pertaining to both positive and negative ions; applied to both positive and negative ions at the same rate. adjective (electronics) (of plasmas and semiconductors) involving both positive and negative charge carriers

  • Ambisonics

    (used with a singular verb) a system of sound reproduction that uses a combination of channels and speakers to produce an effect of surrounding the listener with the sound. noun (functioning as sing) the technique of reproducing and transmitting surround sound see surround sound

  • Ambisyllabic

    (of a single speech sound or cl-ster) shared phonetically by two contiguous syllables, as the single n -sound of any or the pl -cl-ster of grappling.

  • Ambit/g

    ambit/g language ambit for graphs. [“an example of the manipulation of directed graphs in the ambit/g programming language”, c. christensen, in interactive systems for experimental applied mathematics, m. klerer et al, eds, academic press 1968, pp. 423-435]. (1994-12-08)

  • Ambit/l

    ambit/l language ambit for lists. a variant of ambit supporting list handling and pattern matching rules based on two-dimensional diagrams. [“an introduction to ambit/l, a diagrammatic language for list processing”, carlos christensen, proc 2nd acm symp symb and alg manip (mar 1971)]. (1994-12-08)

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