
to go at a slow, easy pace; stroll; saunter:
he ambled around the town.
(of a horse) to go at a slow pace with the legs moving in lateral pairs and usually having a four-beat rhythm.
an ambling gait.
a slow, easy walk or gentle pace.
a stroll.
contemporary examples

ambling behind him is a handful of walkers, which abraham dispatches in a matter of seconds.
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and he could keep order in the halls just by ambling through them.
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each novella in this book unfolds slowly, ambling through expository digressions with confidence.
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historical examples

the cavalcade was ambling along toward the branding pen, which was in the bottom of a coulie.
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morgan watched him ambling leisurely away in the sunlight and the dust.
the debatable land arthur colton

his eyes did not leave the huge beast, ambling along a dozen paces ahead of him, or the slip of a girl who rode him.
the courage of marge o’doone james oliver curwood

which, accordingly, the boy proceeded to do, ambling off as quickly as possible.
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he’s bound to know he isn’t much of a man, and no young girl would have him, so lately he’s been ambling ’round miss bray.
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the approach had evidently been at a slovenly, ambling pace.
in the brooding wild ridgwell cullum

the big dog that had been ambling toward the house when he arrived was now lying on the stoop.
the black fawn james arthur kjelgaard

verb (intransitive)
to walk at a leisurely relaxed pace
(of a horse) to move slowly, lifting both legs on one side together
to ride a horse at an amble or leisurely pace
a leisurely motion in walking
a leisurely walk
the ambling gait of a horse

early 14c., from old french ambler “walk as a horse does,” from latin ambulare “to walk, to go about, take a walk,” perhaps a compound of ambi- “around” (see ambi-) and -ulare, from pie root -el- “to go” (cf. greek ale “wandering,” alaomai “wander about;” latvian aluot “go around or astray”). until 1590s used only of horses or persons on horseback. related: ambled; ambling. as a noun, from late 14c.

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