• 9 Best Sites to Buy Instagram Followers (100% Real, Instant)

    In the evolving landscape of social media marketing, establishing a significant presence on Instagram is key to boosting your visibility and influence. For those looking to make an impactful presence quickly, the ability to buy Instagram followers provides a valuable jumpstart. Here’s a guide to the nine best sites where you can securely and instantly […]

  • Hawk-Tuah

    Hawk Tuah Verb: [hawk-too-ah] definition: To spit on that thang Context: you gotta give it that hawk tuah, spit on that thang, you know what  I mean?

  • ZhanXG

    Meaning: A Dream as a gamer, never be a given up person Usage: I had a crazy ZhanXG last night. Let me tell you all about it.

  • Decarceration

    Decarceration involves government policies and community campaigns to reduce the number of people held in custody or under custodial supervision in the… – is the attempt to improve conditions inside prisons.

  • Performative

    People who more concerned with self-promotion, social media “likes”, or selling books & lectures; than they are about Actual Deliverables. People thought Tina cared about labor issues, considering how much she Tweeted about it, but it was all performative wokeness – she had no problems crossing picket-lines if the business offered a sale.

  • Chihuahua-style

    copulating doggy-style with one of the “little people”, e.g. midgets, dwarves, etc. jdubbs tried to hit that midget chihuahua-style, but it turned out she was a man-midget.

  • Deckhouse

    to completely and uderly destroy something without any intentions of respect or personal boundaries towards other members of the community. keir – “what happen’d to the kitchen?” matt – “deckhouse!”

  • Circumcoition

    a ten-dollar word for “scr-w-ng around,” i.e., wasting time — circ-m (around) + coition (having s-x). “ok, folks, enough of this circ-mcoition — let’s get this goddam truck unloaded.”

  • masoos

    (muh-soos) a person who is an expert in a skill, field, situation, or area to the point of being a mary sue or gary stu-like. that guy’s a fighting masoos.

  • robert schwartzman

    born december 24th, 1982. robert is best know for his role in the 2001 hit film the princess diaries along side anne hathaway and julie andrews. these days robert just focuses on his pop/rock band rooney, whom he is the frontman for. changed his name from schwartzman to carmine and back to schwartzman to honor […]