biochemistry. a waxy, translucent substance, composed primarily of protein fibers, that is deposited in various organs of animals in certain diseases.
a nonnitrogenous food consisting especially of starch.
also, amyloidal. of, resembling, or containing amylum.
contemporary examples
if any of these got prioritized and funded to the extent of amyloid, we might be a lot closer to getting a drug than we are now.
twenty years of alzheimer’s research may have focused on the wrong protein elizabeth lopatto april 3, 2014
historical examples
the weight of the amyloid liver may reach ten, twelve, even sixteen pounds avoirdupois.
a system of practical medicine by american authors, vol. ii various
amylaceous, amyloid, composed of starch (amylum), or starch-like.
the elements of botany asa gray
to these may be added the fatty degenerations -ssociated with amyloid and interst-tial processes.
a system of practical medicine by american authors, vol. i various
as is well known, the amyloid material itself resists the action of the gastric juice.
a system of practical medicine by american authors, vol. ii various
an enlarged spleen is often present, produced by the same conditions—by amyloid degeneration.
a system of practical medicine by american authors, vol. ii various
amyloid degeneration of the blood-vessels is a doubtful cause of hemorrhage.
a system of practical medicine by american authors, vol. ii various
the amyloid material is remarkable for its power to resist the action of chemical agents and putrefactive decomposition.
a system of practical medicine by american authors, vol. ii various
the liver, besides the change due to cirrhosis, may be affected by amyloid or fatty degeneration, or by both combined.
a system of practical medicine by american authors, vol. ii various
lardaceous (amyloid or waxy) degeneration of the intestinal mucous membrane is met with in chronic catarrh.
a system of practical medicine by american authors, vol. ii various
(pathol) a complex protein resembling starch, deposited in tissues in some degenerative diseases
any substance resembling starch
“starch-like,” 1857, coined in german (1839) from latin amylum (see amyl) + greek-derived suffix -oid. the noun is attested from 1872.
amyloid am·y·loid (ām’ə-loid’)
a starchlike substance.
a hard, waxy deposit consisting of protein and polysaccharides resulting from the degeneration of tissue.
noun a hard waxy substance consisting of protein and polysaccharides that results from the degeneration of tissue and is deposited in organs or tissues of the body in various chronic diseases.
adjective starchlike.
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