an eye in shadows

five year memoir of the publisher and author behind the true crime outing the cabbie homicide, a darker glimpse at how he was bullied and seen misinformation used as an act of bullying. one of his then future contributors who got picked up by black sheets books coined this book his version of the chocolate war as his namesake anthologies were a direct result. the book is now with thebookpatch as it appeared in one form on, fandom_w-nk tried to coin the book glorified fanfiction but he was using horror allegory borrowed from are you afraid of the dark and played up some of his biting humor from the fandom writer. he proved he could be a little funny but was handling subject matter that crossed the line twice as he related some of the crime that unfolded as chicago tribune reported on it in the era (one of the jokes he implied to the bully that he gave -n-l to his own mother.) it’s noted for a macabre version of the aristrocrats joke.
fandom_w-nk: remember that psycho who went at us?
other blogger: the f-cker who plagiarized poe?
fandom_w-nk: sh-t — he took one of us out in print!
the rusty nail: an eye in shadows — i am going to post the entire thing on my blog chronicling his every fail.

comments from the other dark place: let’s put all these comments together and -ssemble a counter book to this book he’s writing.

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