anal bleaching
cosmetic technique whereby strong bleaching solutions like hydroquinones are used to lighten the -n-l area. this procedure is employed by strippers, body builders, actors and actresses. seems over time, the b-tticular area becomes darker (some say it’s due to dark foods like coffee, others speculate it’s due to staining from the bilirubin content in feces.) either way, those who aspire to wear b-tt floss as swimwear or do pole dancing seem to feel a lighter sphincter will improve their image.
the treatment is said to sting quite a bit.
canula made her third appointment for -n-l bleaching. despite her husband fafner’s -ssurance that he found her hindquarters pleasing enough as they were, canula felt that the skin around her inner b-ttocks could use a good bleaching.
the treatment stung a lot, frankly, it was worse than that case of diaper rash she remembered from that unfortunate time..well, not to dwell on past failures.
when she healed up a week later, canula donned her best thong and did a fine striptease for fafner on their bedroom pole. fafner agreed, her lightened sphincter was really a lot s-xier and it even glowed in the dark.
this last observation puzzled canula.
the act of changing the pigmetation of the epiderm-ss sorrounding the -n-l orphus.
at the local strip club bam thought to herself as a coworker bent over on stage; holey sh-tter i shuold talk to her about -n-lbleaching.
the act of whitening one’s dark, ugly, ring around the -n-s. method used for a more violent method of -n-l
step 1: fill washing machine with bleach
step 2: shove -ss in washing machine
step 3: protect other private areas to prevent spotting
step 4: turn “spin cycle” on high (for best results)
step 5: drip dry until damp
step 6: blow dry excess moisture
-bleach with caution-
– gel bleach is preffered for extra lubrication and a more precise bleaching
– if you use generic bleach and have issues, just simply shout it out!
– febreeze -n-s if bleach smell is overwheling or hindering your chances of getting some action
side effects:
– bruising (due to the washing machine now up your -ss)
– un-f-ckableness if done wrong
– could abort a pregnancy if bleach is inserted in wrong hole. (remember, this is an -n-l procedure)
– this can be a dangerous sport for anyonewith -n-l obsessive disorder (aod)
– you are officially a f-cktard if you attempted this mission
-contact your doctor or mother, whichever one gives better advice, before attempting -n-l bleaching
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