someone who is lovable and kind. when it comes to sports she’s that one you can count on. she also has good taste she loves netflix, tlc and pizza! when it comes to putting gas she just doesn’t fill it she rips it. shes just that unique
-n-lisse is watching tcl again get the pepto
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- Antony
an antony is a person that deliberately says or does whatever it takes to p-ss you off. these people rarely make it far in life and die early (usually murdered by girlfriend). stop it! you are being such an antony you duckface. super s-xy and gorgeous with a smile that will make you melt and […]
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term used for a freshman girl or younger whose v-g-n- has been on more wieners than heinz ketchup. their goal is to have an std and baby by the end of their freshman year. see: sk-nk if you’re a senior and she’s 14 or younger and screwed your best friend, she’s a baby c-nt bro.
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hanging out or flirting with your bae. sandy:” are you and gary dating yet?” amy:” nope, we are still in the baeting stage.”
- Baneing
v. the act of placing one’s face in a woman’s br–sts and attempting to speak. the result is a sound and speech pattern similar to bane from the dark knight rises. logan: “hey johan, i “bane-d” a girl last night. i was at second base, tequila drunk buried my face in her chest and m-ffled […]
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